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NaNoWriMo day 1

The first day of National Novel Writing month went really well. I wrote for about 2 hours and the word count was 2,489 which is over the daily word count for 50 k in 30 days. Today I wrote the prologue, and I started the first chapter. Today I will be sharing the first paragraph of the prologue,  and the first paragraph of chapter 1.

Date: 1/6/2000
Scarlett wasn’t sure what she was going to do now, she didn’t know in a city of millions of people both tourist and locals alike she didn’t know what she was going to do. Scarlett was late that month, she knew this because she had to keep track of things because she was the black sheep in her family anyway. As the daughter of a doctor, an OBGYN as a matter of fact and a Public Relations person for the mayors office in New York City she was always in the spot light. Most of the time she didn’t care, as a matter of fact she liked the attention but what she didn’t like was being treated like the black sheep because of the way that she was. Scarlett Grace Adams didn’t follow the plan that was set out for her, and in this plan she was supposed to have a high paying job one that she would help people with, the trick was that she needed to be some kind of a doctor or a lawyer of some kind. Honestly Scarlett knew from an early age that she wasn’t going to be the kind of person that her parents wanted her to be, and so she should have just embraced what was and take the fact that she would be treated differently. The thing of it was that she thought her parents would one day accept her, it was odd and it was something that she knew would never happen but she still thought that one day she would be accepted. Scarlett was someone that wanted things the way that she wanted, and she was one that was stubborn and only liked to life her the way that she wanted to live her life.

 Chapter 1 the present
Date: November 1st 2016
The two girls woke up they had just turned sixteen and they were starting to get curious about their birth mother, they wanted to know who she was and why she had given them up when they were so young. They wanted to know who she was, and they had about a million different questions they wanted to ask her, and the main thing was why did she do what she did and didn’t she love them? Technically they had two more years and then they were legally adults, and so they didn’t have to live in the house of their adopted family anymore they both could go to college, and they could find their mother that way or they could just take the time and get to know their mother. “ Phoebe how excited are you to start the search for our biological mother today, I’m so excited that I can’t really contain myself and I can’t wait to get to know her!” Lizzie exclaimed as she went into the kitchen with her twin sister that morning. “ I’m really excited, but maybe no as excited as you are I actually really like living here and I love out adopted parents, it seems like you’ve been talking about this day since just after we turned thirteen.” It wasn’t that Phoebe didn’t want to find their birth mother as much as Lizzie did, but the point was that she loved the life that she was living here and she loved the adopted family that the two of them were living with. For the last sixteen years they had lived in this house, and for the last seven years they were adopted by the Ellis family and she didn’t really want to change that, she didn’t do as well with change as her twin sister did. 


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