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Top Ten Tuesday-Childhood Faves

Hello! It's Tuesday again which means another Top Ten Tuesday. Our host is Jana - This week it was childhood favorites and I am so excited because I had so much fun putting this list together. Every book on this is a memory and a favorite from ages 1-12. I don't remember when I started reading them, but I definitely didn't put books from my teen years on here.  Full disclosure, the end of this list was books from my teens but I took them off because I wanted to feature more of my childhood.

One small story before we get to the list. I had a tape, and it might still be around somewhere, but it is my god mother reading a story. I think they recorded it when I was having hip surgery when I was two or when my younger sister was born. I can't remember what the book was, so the book might be on the list. Another thing you will see is that my Grandmother gave a lot of books when I was a child, and that I read a ton of series as a kid.

1- Really Rosie by Maurice Sendak

This is a very me pick I think. There was a movie, and this book is more of a script. No list on the books would be complete without this iconic book for me. I spent hours and hours acting out the show with my younger sister. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a movie star because Rosie wanted to be one, that was the impact this book had on me. I believe my parents got me the book and movie set.

2- Madeline (series) by Ludwig Bemelmans

This is the first of many books you will read on this list that was given to me by my Grandmother. I believe she gave me the first book and then when I loved it she gave me the rest of the series. I believe this was around age four. I loved this series so much!!!!! I've heard there are new ones? Anyway, Madeline is about a girl who lives in Paris with 11 other girls in a sort of boarding school or orphanage situation.   I still have three of the dolls, the everyday one with the blue coat and yellow hat, a birthday one with a dark purple dress and black hat, and a sleep one where she has pajamas. I also adored the TV show and the Live Action Movie.

3- Little Polar Bear (series) by  Hans de Beer, Olja Egić (Translator)

This book series was a gift to my sister at the same time I had received Madeline. I don't remember much about the book series just that I enjoyed it. The books follow a polar named Lars and his adventures if I remember correctly.  We still have a Lars doll he's sitting on my sister's bed, here right now. There might have been movies or a TV show for this as well? Anyway, I needed to include this series on my list even if it wasn't an all-time favorite.

4- Meet Molly: An American Girl by Valerie Tripp, C.F. Payne (Illustrator)

Ah the American Girl dolls! I have Molly because she had dark hair, at the time, she was also the only one with glasses. I loved her story because she lived in World War 2. I believe I had another book in her series but don't know what it was called or the plot for it. I spent hours reading this book as a child.  My godmother made me a dress like Molly's Birthday dress when I about 10 and I wore it to that birthday dinner.

5- Meet Samantha: An American Girl by Susan S. Adler, Renée Graef (Vignettes), Nancy Niles (Illustrator)

Yes, another American Girl book but I only read these two. My younger sister had Samantha. She was never really all that into dolls, I'm pretty sure she or my sister picked Samantha because her name is also Samantha. Personally, I think she should have done more research and picked the one she wanted. This was before you could design the doll more like you now. Anyway, my sister read this book maybe once or twice but I read at least four or five times as a child. I preferred Molly because she was the doll I had, but I enjoyed reading Samantha's story. There might have been another book of her's I read, but again, I don't know what the title or plot would have been. We still have the dolls they're sleeping in this bunk bed my best friend's dad made us. 

6- Dear America (Series) by Various Authors

I didn't visit the library as much as I should have as a student. When I did, I would usually pick up one of these. I loved them because I loved history and I loved reading about women of the past. I don't remember which one of these I read but I loved when I was 8-12.

7- Babar (series) by  Jean de Brunhoff, Merle S. Haas (Translator)

This was another gift from my grandmother probably. My sister and I loved following the adventures of Babar the Elephant. We also loved the TV show or movies, but I they were TV shows. We had a stuffed Babar but I think he got given away when we moved from our childhood home.

8- The Napping House by Audrey  and Don Wood

I believe my grandmother gave us this when we were very young or our parents got it for us. This was a Board book meaning that it is cardboard. I loved this story and still give this book at bridal showers. Again, no list would be complete without this book. I read the sequel in the middle of a bookstore, and I didn't love it as much as the first. 

9-No More Jumping on the Bed! by Tedd Arnold

I adored this book!!! I remember I would read this with my parents and by myself when I was older. I can't remember the name of the main character, but it is about a boy who keep jumping on the bed and falls thorough the ceiling and into a bunch of other apartments. 

10- Little House (series) by Laura Ingalls Wilder

I am almost sure these were a gift from my grandmother as I was her granddaughter who read more and would enjoy them more than my sister would. She may have started with the first book and then got me the rest when I enjoyed the first one so much. These books were fantastic, and I adored them! This December I will read my big B&N Collection I have as for me these books are the mood for winter.

11- Amelia Bedelia (series) by Peggy Parrish

These were also books I would get from the library or Book Fair. These books were so light and so funny. I remember laughing out loud as I read these.


  1. Yay for Meet Molly and The Dear America Diaries! I loved those books! Last year I bought my two favorites for my niece to see if she would like them. I never did hear if she read them yet.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  2. I loved the American Girls series, too! The one set during World War II was also my favourite. I had a relative who served in that war, so it was interesting to think about what his experiences must have been like.

    My TTT.

    1. I believe I had one or several members who served as well.

  3. Oooh, I did not know these titles! They sound lovely!

  4. I love the personal stories you included, especially the dolls-in-bunk-beds image. Mine (Samantha & Addy) are sharing an antique wicker-bottom rocking chair that's now too fragile for adult use.

  5. A lot of these are new to me so they must have come along after I had moved on to "older" books. I did love the Little House books though. They were staples of my childhood reading.

  6. Except for Sendak, I don't know any of these, and I only discovered him when my kids were little. I'm old!


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