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Showing posts from August, 2016

The 2016 Broadway season: from Alexander Hamilton through Everlasting.

The 2016 Broadway season was a show that broke some boundaries for the Broadway stage, and it was filled of both highs and lows. I know that it is only July, but I wanted to write this up now because I had some feelings that I needed to get out. I want to talk about four shows in this post, two shows that are doing very well aka a high and two shows that didn’t do so well aka a low. As you might be able to tell from the title here, two of them are Hamilton and Tuck Everlasting the other two are Waitress and Bright Star. I have not seen any of these shows, I picked them based on really loving the cast recordings and in two cases thinking that they deserved a longer life. I felt the need to add that in here so you know that is mostly judged by the music, the performances on tv, what I know about the show, and the grosses for each of these shows.    I will start with the shows that were the lows, as I feel that ending this post on a high is the way to go about it.  Tuck...


Hello I'm Steph, and this is the blog where I will post my writing that I do as well as updates. I want to be a writer on the entertainment side, and I have a love for theatre.  As of right now most of my wiring is theatre reviews, and post on the different shows I see, In addition to theatre and performing, I enjoy reading, watching TV, fashion, and music.