Hey everyone Steph here, and today I want to do The Royal Court Book Tag. All Images come from Goodreads. 1. Kingdom: Every Court Needs a Kingdom -What Fictional World Would You Rule Over I would say one of the courts in the ACOTAR series. I say that Night Court, but I would also love the day court. 2. Consort: Life At The Top Can Get Lonely - Pick Your Partner in Crime (Boyfriend/Girlfriend) Mr. Darcy from P&P. I love his character and I think that he would push me out of my shell. 3. Heir: Someone Needs to Keep Your Legacy Going - Pick a Royal Character Who Deserves to Rule After You Ana from Heart of Iron. I believe she has a love for both where she came from, and for D09. Yes, she is an off-center choice, but I feel that once she got used to the position, she could be a great ruler. 4. Royal Guard: Being a Ruler Comes With Many Dangers - Pick a Character You Trust To Have Your Back Hermione from Harry Potter. She is smart and loyal so I feel that I woul...
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