Hi! This is just a quick post to say that I'm moving the blog from blogger to wordpress. My new blog is here. I hope to see you over there.
Hi! This is my post where I talk about different media I’m enjoying. We talk about what I recently watched, what I plan on watching next, the music I’m enjoying, the games I’m playing right now, and different streams I enjoy watching. The title of this post comes from Hamilton. Tv Shows and Movies The reason why I wanted to bring these posts back is because I enjoyed doing them, and I want to check more shows off my watch list. I’m currently watching The Mysterious Benedict Society on Disney +. I’m really enjoying it, but I might need to watch the show again from the beginning if we get a season 2. I really love the story and the characters on the show. It’s not really the type of show I watch, but as the show progressed, I got more into it. I want to watch Dairy of A Future President or one of the Marvel TV shows. Since the last time, I’ve watched several movies. I watched Black Widow the other weekend for the first time. I loved it and I’m glad that I f...