Hi! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana @thatartsyreadergirl . This is a weekly meme where book bloggers get together and talk about books based on a prompt. Each week, Jana will post a prompt, and we have a chance to talk about the books we love based on the prompt. This week, our topic is characters I’d name a pet after submitted by Nushu @ Not A Prima Donna Girl. I prefer cats, so all these are names I think would work for a cat. 1- Annabeth from The Percy Jackson series and other books Annabeth is one of my favorite characters from all the series she appears in. From the time I met her in The Lightning Thief, I enjoyed how bold she was, and how she took no prisoners. 2- Eurydice from Never Look Back and Greek Mythology I’m currently reading Never Look Back, and I’m very much enjoying the character of Eurydice in the novel. As a fan of Greek myth, and the musical Hadestown, I knew that Eurydice would need to appear in this post. I’ve enjoyed her as a character si...