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Top Ten Tuesday- Book characters linked to Halloween candy!!

Welcome Back! I know I’ve been saying that I will be back and blogging more. Life happened last week, I had an appointment last week, and I just got lazy after that. I’m planning to be back more this week and get posting again this week. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at thatartsyreadergirl.  This was born out of a love of lists and bringing the bookish community together. This week is a Halloween Freebie. I’m not into the horror or mystery genres. I wanted to do my top 8 Halloween candies and pick a character that reminds me of them.

1- Chocolate

Rhys from A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas because he is smooth. This was a no brainier for me. Rhys is smooth, and he always knows what to say. He is charming and flirtatious so he was reminds me of chocolate no question.

2- Reese’s cups

Claudia from Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills because she is sweet but has the determination to get what she wants. I read this book earlier this year and I loved it so much. Claudia is sweet and kind to others. On the flip side, she is determined to get what she wants. For example, when her best friend and her brother stopped dating, and she missed her best friend, she got them back together. Reese’s cups have two different flavors just like Claudia shows.

3- Snickers

Baz from The Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowell because he is layered. This was another one that was easy for me. If you read the books, you know that Baz is broody and moody because of what life threw at him. Once you get to know him, you find out that he really is sweet and just has a lot of anger built up from the years of pain and trauma he endured. Snickers have a hard exterior, but are sweet when you eat them.

4- Twix

Winona from Hello Girls by Brittany Cavallaro and Emily Henry because she is sweet and sassy at the same time. Winona is such a fantastic character and I love her so much. Winona is sweet when she is with Lucile, because she cares about her so much. She is sassy because of the years of trauma brought up by her dad. She is sassy and guarded because she needs to be. Twix bars are smooth on the outside, and hard on the inside.

5- Reese’s pieces

Percy Jackson from The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan because he is sweet when you meet him but he gets moody as the series progresses. Percy starts off the series as this sweet broody kid who needs the answers he needs. As the series progresses we learn that he is tough and distant as the story goes. Percy is a reverse Reese’s pieces but I think it works because when you eat one, it can start off sweet and then become hard.

6- Skittles

Cather from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell because she is sweet. This character was easy for me because she is so sweet. Cath is sweet to everyone she meets and really cares about the people she loves. She just has a sweet and fruity personality.

7- Twizzlers

Miriam from Comics Will Break Your Heart because she is sweet and kind to others. I picked this because she is a lot like Cath. Twizzlers are sweet, but they also have ridges or bumps. Mir is sweet to those around her but she is also has bumps because she is not sure what she wants to do when she graduates next year.

8- Sour Patch Kids

Jessica from Geekerella / The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston because when we meet her she is sour because of what happened with the fandom. She shows her sweet side when the story / series progresses. Jessica is sour because she wants to be an indie actress, and the movie they cast her in is a big franchise. She has her own reasons for being sour and distant, which are revealed as the stories progress. Jess is sweet once you get to know her.


  1. Now I'm craving all sorts of Halloween treats, LOL. Fun list.

    My TTT.

  2. Love this! I especially love that you chose Jessica for Sour Patch Kids. It fits her to a tee!

    My [TTT](

  3. Oh my, blood sugar just jumped 100 by reading this post.

  4. Love your twist on this week, craving sour patch kids now!

  5. Great way to do this! I agree about Cather, that's the only one I've read but I liked her and the whole cast of that book so much!

  6. Yum, candy! I love that you related each one to a character that it reminds you of! So creative. I've seen Baz compared to several things today, and I just bought that book, so now I'm super curious to pick it up and meet him myself. xD Maybe while eating a Snickers, hm?

  7. YUMMY! This made me want some candy. Dang Halloween has me feeling like a sweet tooth is necessary to survive hahahaha I love your topic choice this week. Very fun and creative.

  8. My diet is happy we don't celebrate this holiday where I live!

  9. This post made me very hungry. I love candy! I also loved Carry On and need to read the sequel ASAP.

  10. Such a fun take on this week's topic! I love the one for Rhys. :)


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