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Top Ten Tuesdays- characters I would follow on Social Media

Hello! Tuesday is one of my favorite memes of the week, and Top Ten Tuesday is here again! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana @.thatartsyreadergirl. The meme was born out of a love of lists and bringing the book blogging community together. This week, our topic was Characters I would want to follow on Social Media, a topic suggested by Tilly @thebiblioshelf. I had a lot of fun thinking of characters for this post.

1- Cath Avery from Fangirl- Twitter and YouTube

Can you all imagine Cath's twitter feed? I need it because I need the bookish tweets and her talking about her writing process. I feel her feed would also have tweets about culture as well and I need to see them. Cath's vlog in my head would be talking about book reviews and another platform to talk about her writing. I feel Cath might be a little too introverted for YouTube, but I can dream, right?

2- Simon from Simon Vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda- Twitter and YouTube

I need Simon, and his theater-related tweets in my life right now. His commentary on Hamilton, Hadestown, Six, Beetlejuice, and any other musicals of the past and future. Simon would have a lot of opinions based on theater, and I would love to see his takes on theatre. His YouTube channel would be reviewing theater and have him singing covers. 

3- Lizzie Bennett from Pride & Prejudice- Twitter and Instagram 

We all need Lizzie and her tweets about life in the modern age right? I would love to see her in our world just to offer comments about the way we live. She would be sassy and have an opinion I just love it. Instagram would just be shots of Pemberley Manor, and I need it. 

4- Tash from Tash Hearts Tolstoy- Tumblr and YouTube

Tash in her story is a writer, director, and maybe an actor, I can't remember, anyway I just need Tasha to have a blog. Tumblr is a blogging platform, but more of a casual vibe, where she could make posts and reblog from other people.  Her blog would be writing about her process with her web series, as I would love it, and her reblogs would be other bookish blogs and funny quotes. YouTube for Tash is easy because I just want her Web Series in the book to be a thing. 

5- Claudia from Foolish Hearts- Tumblr and Twitch

I need Claudia to have a blog on theatre and gaming. The theatre half will be her talking about costuming and offering reviews of the shows she sees. Gaming on Twitch would be fun because you would get the banter of Gidon, Iris, Claudia, with appearances by her brother Alex, I think it would be delightful, and I need this in my life. 

6- Elle from Geekerella- Twitter and Instagram 

Elle's twitter feed would be so much fun. I need her commentary on our culture of today and the fan fandom tweets. Instagram would be photos of her fandom-related art and photos from the cons. 

7- Maya from Yes, No Maybe So- Twitter and Goodreads

This is a character from a book I'm currently reading and I adore her so much,  Her Twitter feed would be the books she is reading, and social commentary because it's a big part of her story. Maya is bookish, and I would love to see what book she is reading. 

8- Arthur from What If It’s Us- Twitter and Instagram 

I loved him so much in his story and I need his tweets on my feed. He's a theater kid who would have so much to say about our theatre scene. Simon and he would have banter and I need to see the banter. His Instagram would have all the shows he sees and commentary through photos. His lives would be iconic, and I see him as some kind of Broadway influencer and I need this Instagram yesterday.,   

9- Nastya from Romanov- Twitter and Word Press

Nastya is from a Historical Fiction and was one of my favorite reads in 2019. Her tweets about being her adventures of being royalty, and her shenanigans. Her blog I imagine would be her talking magic and what she is learning. 

10- Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses series- Twitter and Instagram 

Feyre lives in a fantasy world and her twitter feed would be full of sass and I just want to read her comments. The Instagram would be selfies of her and Rhys and the pretty Night Court. I need this. 


  1. A good list. Here's mine

  2. Yeah, Simon's tweets would be amazing.

    My TTT .

  3. Lizzie Bennett would be awesome, and cath too. :) I'd follow Levi as well, and reagan haha.

    1. Oh yes, Levi and Reagan would be fun to follow as well!

  4. A really cute idea, but I can't imagine historical fiction characters being on social media!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think it would be interesting to see how they react to our world. I would like forward to seeing their thoughts about how we live, versus how they lived in their time.

  5. Oooh, I love the idea of Nastya having social media! I wonder how that would have changed the story, and especially her perspective, if she had been more connected to the outside world and her people. How interesting!

    1. I think that if Nastya was on social media, it could have changed her story. She would not have been so isolated, and she would know what other people thought about her and her family. I think she also could have helped change the story because she would have seen what the world thought about her family.

  6. Cath and Simon would be awesome to follow online!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Elizabeth Bennet's instagram would be awesome, if she was a real person and had an instagram she would definitely be someone I would follow. :)


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