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End of the Year Book Tag: 2020!!!


Hi! I love filling this out at the end of every year. This year, I grabbed the questions from this post. This is a way for us book bloggers to talk about the books we loved this year. 

Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

No, I don't think I will finish any more books before the end of the year. Maybe Manga Classics: Jane Eyre before the end-of-year. I have other books I have started, but I'm not sure that I will finish them before the end of the year. 

Do you have a book or autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?

No, I'm not one of those that read books based on the season. This year, I changed things up this year, and I read three seasonal reads. I really enjoyed them, and I might make rereading them a yearly thing now. 

Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?

No, It's late in the year, so I don't have any new releases coming out before the end of the year. I got The Lives of Saints by Leigh Bardugo, and I might read that before the end of the year. 

What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?

I don't think I will finish three books before the end of the year. I want to continue: My Lady Jane, American Royals, and Crooked Kingdom. 

Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favorite book of the year?

I don't think so no. My Lady Jane and American Royals might come close, but I don't know if I will finish them before the end of the year. 

Have you already started making reading plans for 2021?

I have, yes! I plan on doing the 2021 New Releases challenge. It's my first year, so I'm going to do the first option. 

I'm going to do a Goodreads challenge, and I will probably make it about 40 books, I usually like keeping my Goodreads goals light because it's less pressure. 

I am also going to read more arcs for review next year!!! I have started a book coming out next April and downloaded another one from Edelweiss +. I also have plans of getting my NetGalley ratio up, so that I can explore both sites, My goal for arcs is to get a requested book I ask for. 


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