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Top Ten Tuesday- Books I could read in a day


Hi! Jana hosts Top Ten Tuesday @thatartsyreadergirl. The purpose of this meme is to bring the book blogging community together and foster our love of lists. Each week, Jana will post a prompt, and we readers get the opportunity to reply with our list. We also have the opportunity to go rogue and do our own thing. This week’s prompt was books I’ve read in a day or could read in a day if I had the time. I’m a moderately fast reader, but there are some books that I could read in a day if I found the time. I did read these books in 2 weeks or under I believe. 


1- Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills


This is one of my favorite YA Contemporaries. I could read it in a day because I love the characters, plot, and the fact that they do theatre in the story. This is one of my favorite comfort reads, and I reread it recently. This book still holds up even though it had been a few years since I read the book for the first time.  

2- Tweet Cute by Emma Lord


I read this on vacation down the shore last year and I just loved it so much. The story was so cute, and I loved seeing the banter between Pepper and Jack. This would be another quick YA contemporary

3- 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston


I read this book last December, and it was just the cutest. I read the book in a week and a few days, but I just loved it. I loved the story; I loved the characters, and I loved the romance between Sophie and Wes.

4- 10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston

As you will see, I put a lot of contemporaries on this list, including this one. I read this one in about 10 days earlier this year, and it took the characters from 10 Blind Dates and put them in a new situation. I enjoyed Oliva’s character on 10 Blind Dates, so I was excited when I saw that she would be the lead in this book. This story was fun, and the characters were great. The romance was sweet, and I couldn’t wait to see where it would go. Also, the dedication to the classes of 2020 and 2021 was very sweet.

5- Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

There was no way I was making this list without mentioning one of my favorite YA Contemporaries. I love all the stories in The Creekwood Trilogy, but this one will always be my favorite one. I love all the characters, the plot, and the romance. I think they all blend so well together and make for an interesting story.

6- Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

This is another favorite contemporary of mine that needed to make this list. I relate to Cath and her love of a fandom, and she was the first character I read about that really captured a love of fandom. I reread it a few years ago for the third time, and it is one of my most-read books. The cover I have is so cute and I think it works well for the story. The romance in this story is so sweet and Cath and Levi are one of my favorite couples. This is another case of the plot, characters, and romance really working well for me.

7- Comics Will Break Your Heart by Faith Erin Hicks

I read this book on a whim a few years ago when it was out on my radar by Book Riot. I just loved and I want to reread it soon to see if it still holds up. This is a Romeo and Juliet-style story about rival families in the comic book industry. The romance was sweet, and the characters were great. 

8- Geekerella by Ashley Poston

I just love the Once Upon A Con series by Ashley Poston. This is the first one and by far my favorite one of the bunch. All the books in this series follow some kind of fairy tale, and for this story it’s Cinderella. Elle is such a sweet character, and I just loved her journey in this book.

9- Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

I love the Percy Jackson series but this is my favorite of all the books in that series, and The Heroes of Olympus. I could read this in a day because I love the characters and I love the story. There is a touch of magic with these books, and the world that Rick Riordan built for the series, and every other book in the Percy Jackson Universe is excellent. This is where the story started, and even though I read these as an adult, I loved it and I want to reread this book soon. I just can’t explain the magic in these pages, and if you’ve never read the books, don’t judge them based on the Percy Jackson movies. In my opinion, the books were better, and I can’t wait to see what happens on the TV show. While I recommend you read this book and the series, if you don’t want to, and still want a great adaptation of the story, check out The Lightning Thief, The Percy Jackson Musical.

10- Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton


I read this Historical Fiction earlier this year and I just loved it. This is a book the weaves perfectly between Historical Fiction and contemporary romance. This was another book that I read in a short amount of time because I loved it. My mom doesn’t read many books I read, we just don’t have the same taste a lot of the time, but this was a book that both of us enjoyed immensely. I loved the characters in both the Historical Fiction and the Contemporary portions of this novel. The plot was interesting, and the romance was sweet. This was a look at Cuban history that I didn’t know about.  


  1. Next year in Havana sounds good! AndI keep meaning to read 'Fangirl' because I loved 'Attachments'

    My TTT:

    1. I loved it so much! Fangirl was fantastic and I also recommend The Simon Snow Trilogy which is the fanfiction the character writes in the book.

  2. Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda is such a good read. I still remember I read it on vacation some years back.

  3. TWEET CUTE was such a fun book! I need to read the author's new one, although I've heard it's not as good.

    Happy TTT!


    1. I read You Have A Match and while I did rate it 4.5 or 5 stars it wasn't as good as Tweet Cute I would agree. It's still a fun read though.

  4. Great list of books!

    I have Next Year in Havana on my TBR, I hope to get to it soon.

    I too started reading Percy Jackson as an adult, and I am totally in love with the series (universe? Like I want to go to Camp Half-Blood).

    If you get the chance, here’s my TTT post:

  5. I keep going back and forth on reading Tweet Cute or not. I think I will have to give it a try now!


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