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February Wrap Up

Hello! I wanted to do a February Wrap up today as I read a lot of books this month.

Reading Challenge: 9/50


Books continued from Jan and finished - 1

Books read from start to finish- 4

Started but not finished - 2

Physical Books - 1

Ebooks- 4

Books I finished 

The Wicked King by Holly Black- 5 stars

US Hardcover (owned)

Read from- 01/26-02/11

favorite character- Jude

This was the second book in this series, and I can honestly say this is one of the best Fantasy series I have ever read. I loved revising these characters and seeing how they were different now. My opinions remained the same, so I don't see a need to review this book.

Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu-  5 stars

Kindle Ebook

Read from- 02/1-02/11

favorite character- Eric

This book is a web comic that sections of the comic have been made into a book.  I loved the dynamic of the hockey team. I am not a big hockey person, or a huge sports person in general, but I loved this story. This book's main premise might be hockey, but it is also about finding love and finding yourself.

Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy- A Graphic Novel -A Modern Retelling of Little Woman by Rey Terciero and Bre Indigo and others (Art) - 5 stars

Kindle Ebook

Read from 02/5-02/12

favorite character- Jo

I want to do a full review of this graphic novel as I have opinions on it. For here, I will say while the creators took liberties, the story as a whole was still very enjoyable. If you go in looking for a carbon copy of Little Woman, you will not find it is a retelling with  the same themes, premise, and characters. I will also say that this book stops before the end of Little Women does, I feel that people should know that going in. The changes made didn't take away from my enjoyment of the story, hence why I still gave it a five star rating.

Comics Will Break Your Heart by Faith Erin Hicks - 5 stars

Kindle Ebook

Read from 02/12-02/28

favorite character- Miriam (Mir)

I want to review this book as well. The main characters are  star crossed lovers in a way, and I loved that because it made them more compelling to me. This was like a love story to comics and the people who enjoy them.

Enchantée by Gita Trelease - 5 stars 

Kindle Ebook

Read from 02/5-02/28

favorite character- Camille

I had planned on reviewing this book, but I could not find many things that I didn't love about it. I absolutely loved this sweeping Historical Fiction. The premise and how the main character Camille was doing things for her sister was my favorite thing. Speaking of Camille, she and the rest the characters in the book were fantastic because they were real, they felt like I was reading about real people not characters in a novel. The only thing that I felt could have been improved was the fact that the magic system? I mean how the magic worked could have been explained more. However, this did not take away from my enjoyment of the novel.

My favorite read of the month was  Enchantée with Comics Will Break Your Heart and The Wicked King as my second favorites. 

Books I started  

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan (36% done) 

I started this book on February 17th. I am not a big reader of New Adult Fiction,  but I love this book and I love these characters so much.  

Last of Her Name by Jessica Khoury (7% done) 

I started this when it came out on Tuesday. I spent a few days finishing the books that I was almost done, so I have not read as much of this story. This is an Anastasia retelling, loosely inspired by the history of   her not the cartoon. This is another story set in Space, but for those that have read Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston, this a whole different story. The only thing the two books have in common is that they're based in space, and that main character is Anastasia in some way.  


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