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Top Ten (Eight) Tuesday

Hi! I know this is a little late today but I still wanted to put this up. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana @thatartsyreadergirl. This weekly meme was born out of a love of lists, and bringing the book bloging community together. Our topic for this week is  Favorite Tropes (a trope is a commonly used theme or plot device) (submitted by Andrea @ Books for Muse.) I was not sure this would be a good topic for me, but I looked at some lists and thought about the topic. Here are my top 8 favorite tropes.

1- Families who love each other no matter what

Whether big or small I love a family who loves each other no matter what. No family is perfect, but I love a family who at the core forgives each other and accepts each other. Some of my favorite families are The Bennett’s (Pride&Prejudice), The Avery’s (Fangirl), and Claudia’s Family ( Foolish Hearts). I think this steams from being close with my parents and sister.

2- Core Friendship Groups

Every MC needs a squad they can trust. Here is where the core friendship  group comes into play. While they might fight and disagree, at the end of the day they are friends so they love each other. Some favorite friend groups are Tash and her Friends (Tash Hearts Tolstoy) and Casey and her crew (The Wall of Nova). I think this is from the fact that I have a small circle of friends I’m close with.

3- The Small town setting

I love a good small town!!! Give me all the small little towns and the quaint life small town life. I can’t think of any books that take place in a small town, but I love seeing it and I want to see more of them. This steams from me growing up in a small town, where everyone knows you and knows your name.

4- Star crossed lovers (or people who shouldn’t be together for one reason or another but are)

Ah the classic Romeo and Juliet trope. It’s used a lot but I for one will never tire of seeing this. I think if done well and effectively this can really add to the couple and give the relationship some depth. Books with this are Romeo and Juliet, Miriam and Weldon (Comics Will Break Your Heart),and Cath and Levi (Fangirl). This steams from my ideas of a romance and seeing people who shouldn’t be together fall in love and make it work.

5- The shy bookish character

Everyone loves the shy bookish character right? I feel a connection to the shy bookish type because I feel that connection to them.  Books are very important to me and I am shy at first if I don’t already know someone. Some faves are Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Cath (Fangirl),and Juliet (The Guernsey  Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.) I know Belle might not really fit this, but she was the inspiration for putting this trope on the list.

6- Found Family (Friends that treat each other like family)

Oh found family how I love them. This could go with the friend groups, but I think they’re a little more than friends. These characters start off as friends and then grow into more as you get to know them. One of the best examples of found family is the squad from A Court of Thorns and Roses series. Another highly used example would be The Golden Trio (Harry Potter.) This a favorite trope because of the group of friends that I think of as family.

7- Fairytale Retellings

Is this a sub genre or a trope I don’t know. I love fairy tales and the happily ever afters, so I will read as many retellings as I can. Some faves are A Court of Thorns and Roses (Beauty and the Beast), and To Kill A Kingdom (The Little Mermaid.)

8- Food

I love food  even though I can’t cook or bake all that well. I love reading stories where a character is a baker or a chef. I’m not sure how common this trope is, but this was the point where I was running out of tropes. My favorite food related story is All That She Can See.


  1. I love your list! And aww to shy, bookish characters. I love them, too.

    My TTT

  2. Friend squads are the best. I think of the stranger Things crowd, probably because I just watched it recently haha, but there are so many good examples. And families that are tight and supportive of each other- those are great too. The bookish characters and small town settings are winners too. :)

  3. You did great! I'm completely down for anything that revolves around friendships. They're so freaking special and I love them. Seeing a core group of friends is always a treat for me in fiction and in real life. I agree with all of the tropes you picked, for sure! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Yes to all of these. You can never go wrong with a good family focus (blood or found family), and I adore a good friendship group (Emma Mills is so good at this).


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