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Can't Wait Wednesday- The Desolations of Devil's Acre by Ransom Riggs


Hi! Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa@wishfulendings. We base the meme on Waiting On Wednesday, which was hosted by Jill @breakingthespine. The purpose of this meme is to highlight a book, usually unpublished, that we can't wait to read. This week, I'm highlighting - The Desolations of Devil's Acre (Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children # 6) all information comes from Goodreads. 


Title: The Desolations of Devil's Acre (Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children # 6)

Author: Ransom Riggs

Genre: YA, 

Expected Publication: February 23rd, 2021

Goodreads Summary:  

The fate of peculiardom hangs in the balance in this epic conclusion to the Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series.

The last thing Jacob Portman saw before the world went dark was a terrible, familiar face.

Suddenly, he and Noor are back in the place where everything began - his grandfather's house. Jacob doesn't know how they escaped from V's loop to find themselves in Florida. But he does know one thing for certain: Caul has returned.

After a narrow getaway from a blood-thirsty hollow, Jacob and Noor reunite with Miss Peregrine and the peculiar children in Devil's Acre. The Acre is being plagued by desolations - weather fronts of ash and blood and bone - a terrible portent of Caul's amassing army.

Risen from the Library of Souls and more powerful than ever, Caul and his apocalyptic agenda seem unstoppable. Only one hope remains - deliver Noor to the meeting place of the seven prophesied ones. If they can decipher its secret location.

Why: I have the fifth book on my tbr this year. I love this series, and although the fourth book was a bit of a letdown for me, I want to continue the series.  


  1. And I still need to read the first book! Aiieee! This sounds like a great addition to the series. I hope you enjoy it when you read it!

  2. I need to read this series rather than just collect it!

  3. Oh goodness, I don't think I ever realised this was a series! Woops!

  4. Oh wow, I'm so far behind in this series. I've only read the first and part of the second. I hope you love this one!


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