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March TBR- Readthons, Challenges, Buddy reads, and trying a new way of reading!

Hi! The month starts tomorrow and so I wanted to post my tbr today as well. I'll be doing Trope-ical Reathathon, A challenge for TBR & Beyond Facebook Group, and the Hamilton Event for RR! I am in the middle of four of these, so those will be discussed below. I'm also trying a new way of reading where I will listen to music to enhance the book experience. I'll go over that as well. Here's the Twitter for trope-ical

Common Challenges 

I don't go for Bingo or anything when I do these. 

Absent/ Dead Parent- A Little Princess 

Smalltown- Bear Town

Multiple Points of View- Crown of Midnight

If I have time, I may add With The Fire on High for Coming of Age 

Team Challenges 
Each team has unique challenges to do for this. I'm going to do Team Contemporary/ Literary Fiction/ Historical Fiction 

Team Book: Fat Chance, Charlie Vega

Bookish Themes: By the Book 

Historical Figure: Fun Home 

Already started
A Court of Sliver Flames
Rules of Three
Tales of the Peculiar
That Way Madness Lies- comes out in the middle of the month, so I hope to make a dent in this book by the end of the month. 

Hour 1
As I said at the top of this post, I will read with music and or a podcast this month. I feel like this might enhance the experience, and I might be able to focus on the books more. This hour I will read Fun Home and A Little Princess. I paired these two together because they both have musical adaptions I could listen to. This was actually the inspiration for this challenge. A Little Princess is short, so Alex& Eliza, which will be a buddy read with RR will be used during this hour as well. Fun Home is a Graphic Novel, so That Way Madness Lies will be used during this as well. There are three musicals that feature Shakespeare as part of the plot. & Juliet for R&J, Kiss Me, Kate, for Taming of the Shrew, and Something Rotten for anything else relating to Shakespeare. These are roughly an hour each, so in about two reading sessions they could be done. Hamilton is massive and will take at least three or four sessions. 

Hour 2

Hour 2 will be By the Book and Crown of Midnight. I thought Beauty and the Beast would work well for By the Book because it's about a bookish person. I might add other music here. Crown of Midnight will be the time I try a podcast because off the top of my head, I couldn't think of anything that really fit the vibes. 

Hour 3 

This hour will be two hard-hitting contemporaries. Charlie Vega is Latina so both In the Heights and West Side Story came to mind for the half-hour I'm reading that book. I'm not a sports person, but I might add Frozen here for Bear Town because Hockey is played in the winter. 

The books I'm in the middle of will be read throughout the rest of the day. I don't have music plans for them. Perhaps some Disney because Fairest is a retelling of an iconic Disney villain. 


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