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Top Ten Tuesday- backlist books and authors I can't wait to read this year


Hi! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted byJana@thatartsyreadergirl. This meme was born out of a love of lists and bringing the book blogging community together. Each Week, Jana will post a prompt, and we will all respond to the prompt or do our own thing if we want. This week our topic is books that made us laugh, which was submitted by Claire @bookloverspizza I thought about this, but I would feature a number of books I talk about a lot on the blog, Instead, I’m going to take the time to talk about some books and authors I plan on reading this year for the first time, or series I plan on finishing. I want to do a round 2 of this post for books that I didn’t mention in this post but that I have on my tbr. I think that all of these books will be 4.5-5 stars for me.


The Authors

1- Angie Thomas

I have all three books by Angie Thomas on my TBR. I plan on reading THUG in April, On the Come Up in May, and Concrete Rose in July.  I have a strong feeling I will enjoy them, and I can’t wait to read them.

2- Elizabeth Acevedo

I’ve had With The Fire on High on my radar since 2019, I found this out when I went to add it to my tbr section of my Reading Tracker Excel Sheet. I have both With The Fire on High and Clap When You Land on my tbr for this year. With the Fire on High will be read in April or May, I need to see how long it takes to read my new releases coming in April. Clap When You land seems like such a summery read so I will read that the month after I read With the Fire on High.

3- Fredrick Backman

I’ve heard so many good things about this author. I have Beartown on my TBR for next month, I will read us Against you in April, I have some new releases coming, but I will out this on my tbr and see if I can finish it before Kate in Waiting gets to me. 

4- Lyssa Kay Adams


I don’t have a copy of the first book, but I’m going to get it soon. I’m one who reads a ton of adult romance, but this book series seems so good and I definitely think I would vibe with the series. 

5- Madeline Miller


I might look for the books by this author the next time I go to the Bookstore or Target or something. I want to read these physically. These seem like summery or fall reads, so I will put these on my TBR for then. 

The Books

6- Take A Hint, Dani Brown


I can’t wait to see Dani’s story. I really enjoyed her character in the first book.

7- Act Your Age Eve Brown


I can’t read the first two Brown sister books without reading the third one right?! I’m going to put this one on my tbr for the month after I read Dani’s book.

8- The Starless Sea


I kept telling myself I would read this last year. I didn’t yet, and I really want to this in the fall.

9- Today Tomorrow Tonight

I want to read this because I enjoyed the author’s story in an anthology I read last year. I will probably read this book in May or July with Clap When You Land. 

10- By the Book


I can’t wait to read this book next month!!!! This is another one I put on my tbr in 2019, making it one of the oldest books from this list on my tbr. I can’t wait to meet Mary and see her character.



I would have had to remove a book from this list in order to put Pride on the list. I wanted to feature Pride because it’s another one that’s been on my TBR for years now. I love Jane Austen, and more specifically, Pride & Prejudice. Back when Epic Reads had First Five, I read the first five chapters of this book, and it was so good. I never had the Ebook until a few weeks ago when I saw it on Kindle Daily Deal and I knew that this would be the time to grab a copy. This book also fits my Austen Retelling prompt in one of my challenges perfectly. This is a book on my TBR for April. 


  1. I hope you enjoy all of these books!

    My post:

  2. #3 and #4 are excellent authors. I love them.

  3. Elizabeth Acevedo is amazing. I hope you get a chance to pick her up. If you are able, listen to the audiobooks as well. Elizabeth narrates her own books and she's incredible.

    1. I Will look into that! Perhaps I will do both physical and Ebook and audio.

  4. So many good books coming up for you this year! The Angie Thomas ones are amazing and I really enjoyed Take A Hint, Dani Brown! I also cant wait to read Eve's story. Also Song of Achilles is brilliant although I still have to read Circe. I also really loved With The Fire On High and Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo.

  5. I really need to read the Brown Sisters series! Happy TTT :)

  6. I've read one book each by Acevedo, Thomas, and Morgenstern. Not sure why I haven't read more than that since I liked all of them. Too many new authors to try, I guess! I hope you enjoy these books when you get to them.

    Happy TTT!


  7. Fredrik Backman is a definite yes from my side! Sure you will love his work. I don't know any of your other authors!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Thank you, It's nice to know someone else who enjoys him.

  8. I just read With The Fire on HIgh and I highly recommend it! So good! :D

  9. I love your list and hope that you get to read all of these this year. Dani Brown and Today Tonight Tomorrow were two of my favorite reads last year and I also really enjoyed Lyssa Kay Adams books and everything I've read from Backman so far.


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