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Top Ten Tuesday - Unpopular Bookish opinions

Welcome Back! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by thatartsyreadergirl. This week the top is unpopular bookish opinions, was submitted by Kaitlin Galvan at somehowimanageablog.

I don't think I have that many unpopular opinions, but We'll see if I can get to ten. I do not mean this to be a personal attack. I know some of these will get into beloved areas of book community, so take these as just my opinions.

1- I have only read one Harry Potter book, and will probably never read the rest.

Yes, I know how odd this makes me sound. I was a Twilight kid, and I preferred those over Harry Potter. I have see all the movies, and I want to read Fantastic Beast, as I believe I will love that world and those characters more.

2- I hate mystery and horror novels.

I know how odd this might sound to some people. I'm just not a fan because they creep me out and I am more skittish than most people. This is a beloved genre, so I think this is an Unpopular opinion? The exception to this rule might be Sadie, Truly Devious,  Stalking Jack the Ripper, or if an author I really loved is writing one and I know going in

3- I don't usually DNF a book.

Only twice in my life have I not finished a book. The first time was a big book of Lewis Carroll stories. I was not feeling it after Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking  Glass. I might pick this book back up, and maybe it was the story I was on, but I was just so bored with it. The other book was Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I stopped about 40 pages from the end. The reason for not finishing this one was the fact that I did not understand where the book was going on, and I couldn't follow the characters. In addition, I didn't particularly like or care about the characters in the story. I feel watching a movie of this might help because I will be able to see which character the scene is referencing.   I feel like the book blogging community DNF's a lot of books, so this is an unpopular opinion.

4- I never rate a book below 3 stars.

Truly, I don't even think I have a 3 or 3.5 star read on my Goodreads Shelf.  I need to be more critical with my ratings; I know this, and yet, I still can't bring myself to drop a rating for fear the author will see it and feel bad. Around the book community, I see  some two star or even one star ratings.
5- I will never read a full romance novel.

I know this genre has more of a name than just romance, I'm just not sure what it is. Anyway, I need more to a novel than just the romance between two characters. I am not saying that these don't have other relationships or character development; I am saying that for me; it doesn't seem like something that would catch my attention, or capture my interests. If this is your favorite genre, that's fine but it's not for me.

6- I will never read a paranormal novel or a straight ghost story.

See number two. I know these aren't the same thing, but honestly I think I'll be too scared to read anything in this genre as well.

7- I love hype.

I saw someone else say this when I was reading what the rest of you had said. I thought it was popular to love hype and be happy when an author is doing well and making money off a book? Maybe I'm just not as active in the part of the community where people don't like hype? Anyway, hype is great and only makes me want to read a book more.

8- Turtles All the Way Down is my favorite John Green novel.

I'm a fan of John Green. While reading this morning I saw that some people didn't like this novel, so I feel this might be an unpopular opinion? Anyway, this was the best novel in my opinion because it differed from his other works. I enjoy all of John Green's characters, but I have a special place in my heart for Aza.

9- I don't get the hype with Cassandra Clare.

Here is where I dodge the things that people are virtually throwing at me.  I read City of Bones and I was meh about it. Sure, I rated it as four stars, but I didn't want to continue with the massive amounts of books TMI is. Maybe it is that I read the book as an adult who at the time, had really only read A Court of Thorns and Roses series, or was in the middle of reading them for the first time. I don't know what I was expecting going into City of Bones, but I didn't  find what I wanted. Dare I say it, the TV show did a better job, and I haven't even seen the whole thing, or even every single episode. What I watched I felt was miles better than what I read in the book. Maybe I'll give them another try to love them, but for now, I just don't understand the hype with Cassandra Clare.

10- I don't like Epic Fantasy

I think some people call this High Fantasy? I'm not  talking the fantasy books you see referenced here all the time, I love those and will continue to read those authors.  What I am speaking about is The Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones. I have the Game of Thrones Ebooks, some of them anyway, but for me I need a little more character less world building in these fantasies. By this, I mean these fantasies have these intricate detailed worlds filled with magic systems, creatures, story, and action that I find it hard to wrap my head around. I need a smaller, or at least easier to follow world, and characters and relationships that I can relate to in order to read the novel. I want to get back into Game of Thrones, so I might change my mind on this, but for now this genre is not for me.


  1. I agree on Cassandra Clare! I just never really got into it or had the urge to read her books. I like your point about hype! I have issues with it when it leaves me disappointed with a book that was hyped up, but in general it really is just super beneficial to the author and the publisher, so I can't really be too mad about. I feel pretty bad usually if I give a book one or two stars (which is pretty rare, anyway). Great list!

  2. I've only read the first Harry Potter novel too. I didn't hate it, I just didn't... feel the need to continue? At that time anyway. That probably is a very unpopular opinion haha!

    I've been curious about Cassandra Clare, but haven't tried her books yet. I keep going back and forth. :)

  3. You shouldn't rate anything you don't want to rate lower than you want to rate. Do it how you want, you don't need to be more critical - you do you <3

    I used to not DNF but I've finally started letting myself do it because my TBR is just too big for books I really don't like.

    1. I feel like I need to start Dnfing the books that I'm just not feeling more.

  4. I am constantly worried that an author will be upset by a low rating. I mean, they at least wrote and published something!! I haven’t done that. But I also don’t want to tell people to read a book I think is less than awesome.
    The struggle is real.
    Great review!

  5. I haven't rated many books below 3 stars either. If I really dislike a book, I usually just say it's not for me and don't rate it.

  6. I think Cassandra Clare as very formulaic novels and you either like them or you don't. There's no in between. The only time I worry about authors seeing my negative ratings is when they follow me on Twitter. I get so nervous posting links to my negative reviews on there because I don't want to hurt their feelings. Saying you like them more than their books kind of sounds mean. Honest, but mean, haha.

    1. That seems to be the consensus in regards to Cassandra Clare.

  7. I love hype, too!! But unfortunately I have seen tons of bloggers dis on it.

  8. Actually, I agree with you on several things here. Good list!


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