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Can't Wait Wednesday- That Way Madness Lies


Hi! Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa This meme is a rebrand of Waiting on Wednesday, which was hosted by Jill@breakingthespine. The purpose of this meme is to feature a book, usually unpublished, that we can't wait to read. This week, I'm featuring a YA Modern Day Shakespeare Anthology. All info comes from Goodreads! 

Title: That Way Madness Lies

Authors:  (Editor) (Author) (Author) (Author),   (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author) (Author)

Genre: YA, Retellings, Anthology 

Expected Publication: March 16th, 2021 by Flatiron Books

Goodreads Summary

Fifteen acclaimed YA writers put their modern spin on William Shakespeare’s celebrated classics!

West Side Story. 10 Things I Hate About You. Kiss Me, Kate. Contemporary audiences have always craved reimaginings of Shakespeare’s most beloved works. Now, some of today’s best writers for teens take on the Bard in these 15 whip-smart and original retellings!

Contributors include Dahlia Adler (reimagining The Merchant of Venice), Kayla Ancrum (The Taming of the Shrew), Lily Anderson (As You Like It), Patrice Caldwell (Hamlet), Melissa Bashardoust (A Winter’s Tale), Amy Rose Capetta, and Cori McCarthy (Much Ado About Nothing), Brittany Cavallaro (Sonnet 147), Joy McCullough (King Lear), Anna-Marie McLemore (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Samantha Mabry (Macbeth), Tochi Onyebuchi (Coriolanus), Mark Oshiro (Twelfth Night), Lindsay Smith (Julius Caesar), Kiersten White (Romeo and Juliet), and Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka (The Tempest).


If you all have been following this blog for a while you know that I'm a huge fan of theatre, and that includes Shakespeare. When I saw this, I knew I needed to get the Ebook because I'm trying to save some space on my shelves, but I really wanted to read this book to see the modern takes on the classic stories. I think that colleges and high schools should consider added the short story from here into the curriculum when studying Shakespeare.  I love how they added some well-known, and some stories that are not as well known into the book. 


  1. I love these types of anthologies. They're so much fun and introduce me to lots of new authors. Thanks for sharing! Happy reading! :)

  2. I confess I am not a fan of Shakespeare's plays, but I do enjoy a good re-telling of his work. This sounds like a good collection. I like your idea too of adding one of these or a modern re-telling along with studying Shakespeare. I think it would not only be fun but also offer new insights or lesser known insights to the original works. Have a great day!

  3. Although I haven't read one in a while I love anthologies. They're so fun to read!

    1. I've only read a few but I want to read more of them. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Classics are never my fave, but give me a good retelling, and i am hooked‼️

    1. I like them but I find that I'm selective about the ones I read. Thanks for stoping by.

  5. This sounds like such an exciting anthology! I can't wait to grab a copy :)

  6. I do love Shakespeare, so I'm very curious about this one!


  7. Definitely one that I will be keeping my eye on with this kind of lineup. Hope you enjoy!

  8. I love the sound of this one. Adding it to my TBR. Thanks for sharing it and coming by my blog.

  9. I'm not usually big on anthologies but this is one I would definitely make an exception for. It sounds amazing!


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