The Flash review Episode 2x08 Invasion Airdate:11/29/16 Rating:***** (5 stars) The main plot of this episode was a crossover between The Flash, Kara Danvers aka Supergirl, The Legions, Arrow, Thea Queen, and Felicity al teaming up to fight the villain of the week. Wally aka Kid Flash wanted to help, but since he is just starting to get his powers it’s not a good idea Wally gets hurt in battle. The villain of the week was the Dominators a group of aliens that date back to the 50’s, and until three months ago when a recording was released with the Dominators voice. Barry tells everyone when they’re all assembled that he can’t be trusted; because he went to flash point and saved his mother so he not only changed his timeline;but due to a ripple effect he changed other people’s timelines that were in the room. Due to this Barry wants to stay behind while the rest of the group goes to fight the Dominators, Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow says that he will stay behind to keep a...
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