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Bookish Garden book tag (Bookending Summer)

Hi! This is my last post for book ending summer. When I saw this prompt I knew I wanted to do this tag. Our hosts for this event are Clo@ bookdragons and Sam@fictionallysam. The original prompt was created by readatnight00. I will be doing a prompts for every flower, but if you click the post, you will find more.


Petunias are a contradictory flower that symbolize anger and resentment, but also the desire to be with someone because of their soothing presence. 
For this flower, pick the first book that comes to mind that makes you feel conflicted enough to want to throw it across your room, but also curl it up beside you and coo softly
A Court of Thorns and Roses.  This book was picked because of of the relationship with Tamlin and Feyre. I knew that this was a relationship that that was toxic, hence me wanting to throw it across the room. On the toher hand, at moments, I thought they were a cute couple who could make it work. I see the flaws in this thinking now, and in my defense, I had not met Rhys yet. 
Purple purple: a fantasy book that made you feel conflicted, explain that feeling
The Cruel Prince 
Okay so this book left me feeling conflicted. The main reason was that Carden and his friends were so mean and rude to Jude, and yet you were supposed to believe that he liked Jude. Honestly, I was not buying the romance in this novel because it didn't seem to be believable. I didn't want to root for the two of them as a couple because I just couldn't see it working.I am sure the third book will wrap up their story, but for now, I am still a bit confused and conflicted of their relationship.  
Red-red: a book that focuses on romance and that made you feel conflicted
A Court of Mist and Fury 
This is the second novel in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. My memory is about fuzzy even though  I only read this novel last year. My biggest issue with this book was the focus on the love triangle between Feyre, Tamlin, and Rhys. Honestly I was rooting for Rhys and Feyre so the bits with Tamlin made me feel conflicted. I was still unsure about Rhys and his intentions, so this was another way I was conflicted reading this. 


Roses are the go-tos when it comes to romance, love, and devotion. It was the flower that Aphrodite the Greek goddess of love was adorned with, and in Christian mythology, it was said roses bloomed where Christ died
For this flower, pick the first book that comes to mind that signifies true love to you.
Comics Will Break Your Heart.  I could have said Fangirl for this prompt as well, but I feel like I annoy you all with how much I talk about Fangirl. This is a book I talk a lot about on my blog, but I haven't had the opportunity to talk about the romance between Miriam and Weldon. They start off as strangers than move to freinds and finally to lovers. Their true love happened becasue they understood each other and they were their for each other. Thier families are fueding nad have been for years, but this doesn't mean the two of them stop their love. The biggest thing about true love in this book was that Weldon was getting up early to be with Mir at the golf course as she worked. For Mir is was going to the con after Weldon had left, it was how far they would go to be together and I call that true love. 
a) pink: Choose the first book that had a huge impact on you as a reader
Jane Eyre 
I will keep this story short because if you've followed me for a while you already know this story. When I was in college I read this classic on my own. Nobody told me I needed to read it, I just saw it in the library and I was intrigued by the cover and the plot. This told me what a classic could be. 
c) orange: Choose a contemporary book where the main character meets someone new that becomes a very important part of their lives. What is this importance?
What If It's Us
What If It's Us was perfect for this prompt. The two characters in this novel are both the main character so I will call Ben the main character for the sake of this. Ben meets Arthur at the post office when he is sending his Ex-Boyfriend's stuff back. They both share a conversation, and then are torn apart by a flash mob. Arthur sets up a Craigslist looking for Ben and they both date. They break up but the end of the novel is at the two of them as freinds. The importance for both is they found someone they could be close friends with even after they broke up. 


The lavander flower is said to be named after the Old French word lavandre, which is derived from the Latin lavare (to wash), but it’s also a possibility (and more likely) to be named after the Latin word livere, which means “blueish” (for its purple color)
For this flower, choose a book or genre that you gravitate towards when trying to break a reading slump
Contemporary YA. I love a good Contemporary YA to pull me out of a slump. 
a) purple: a book where the main character is secretly a royal and must fight the current regime 
Heart of Iron 
I am not sure this novel  100% fits but I did have an idea when I picked this. The novel is an Anastasia retelling that follows Ana, a girl who was found and raised by a crew on a spaceship with Di. In this first novel, and probably the second novel, Ana might fight for her position from the family who is next in line to rule. 


I’m being indulging here and choosing my mom’s favorite flower since she is the reason I am so fascinated by them. A fun fact about this flower is that many believe it symbolized virility because their tubers seemed to resemble testicles
For this flower, choose a book that you feel a deep connection with because it was gifted to you
I spoke about this a few weeks ago so I will keep this brief as well. My grandmother gave me the first book in the series when I was a kid. I have a deep connection to this series, not only because it takes place in France, but because they were gift from my grandmother. 
b) orange: Choose a book that you see yourself (be it culture or identity) reflected in
After Anatevka 
Another historical fiction that I talk about on the blog. As you may know, this is a sequel to Fiddler on the Roof. The novel opens with Hodel telling you what happened after she took to the train to find and marry her love. I am of Russian heritage  and I identity as Russian when talking about my culture. Going hand in hand with that, I am half Jewish and celebrate the big holidays. This novel reflects both of these identities masterfully. 
c) green: What is the nicest kept book in your library

This novel is just sitting on my bookshelf but it's on top of a  text book and flash books not smashed next to another book. I read this, but I loved it so much that I want to keep it neat. 


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