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Can't Wait Wednesday - The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited!

Welcome Back! Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Tressa at Wishfulendings. The purpose is to feature a book that we are excited about. Most of the time they will be books that have not been published yet. Formally this meme was hosted by Jill @ breakingthespine

This week I am highlighting a graphic novel called The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited.    Information comes from Goodreads. 
Page count: 240 

Expected Publication Date: July 16, 2019 by First Second. 


"In the second Adventure Zone graphic novel (adapted from the McElroy family's wildly popular D&D podcast), we rejoin hero-adjacent sort-of-comrades-in-arms Taako, Magnus, and Merle on a wild careen through a D&D railroad murder mystery. This installment has a little of everything: a genius child detective, an axe-wielding professional wrestler, a surly wizard, cursed magical artifacts, and a pair of meat monsters.

You know, the usual things you find on a train.

Hot on the heels of "The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins", the smash hit graphic novel that launched the series, "Murder on the Rockport Limited" picks up the saga where volume 1 left off. Both books are based on "The Adventure Zone," a tabletop RPG comedy podcast with downloads numbering in the tens of millions and an army of passionately devoted fans. With art and co-adaptation from Carey Pietsch, the McElroys are once again turning their raucous freewheeling D&D campaign into some damn fine comics." 

Why- I read the Here There Be Gerblins and I loved it so much! I love the art style and the story these comics bring. I am a fan of the Podcast but I feel behind so I need to catch up. I love the banter of these characters and the story that the brothers and their dad created. I found out about this podcast after this season so I have not heard this portion. 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. A D&D railroad murder mystery- I love the sound of this!

  2. I love a good murder mystery and this one sounds a lot of fun! 😊
    My WWW this week.

  3. Hope this one is just as enjoyable as the first. Happy reading!

  4. Oh this looks so cute and fun. Thank you for sharing

  5. This just sounds like so much fun!

  6. This sounds like fun! I hope you enjoy it. :)

  7. Ohh awesome pick I absolutely love graphic novels as well and this one looks and sounds absolutely fantastic! I hope you do enjoy it when you get the chance to read it. Thank you so much for stopping by my CWW pick last week.


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