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The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves!

Hello! I have been wanting a meme where I could discuss my week both inside and outside of my blog. This is when I heard about hosting a discussion that fits this topic perfectly.Here is the post about The Sunday post if you would like to find out more!  Tynga Reviews also hosts Stacking the Shelves, so I will link to both.

Books I made progress with

I am actively reading a lot of books right now, but I love the change between each and every book I read.

I am on page 93 of 144 in Hotel Dare by Terry Blas. This is a PDF E Arc I won in a giveaway. I plan on finishing and reviewing this book this week. The book is middle grade, and it is a lot of fun to read. In this book there is a character named Olive, and she is a delight.

I am currently on page 200 of 479 in China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians # 2) by Kevin Kwan. Honestly, I didn't think it was possible, but I am enjoying this book more than I did the first one. I love the new characters and I love where the story is going in this book. I could write for days about my love for Rachel and Astrid. While I could never choose between them for my favorite character, I say they both are.

Sky Without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell is an Ebook I'm reading. I am 20% done with it; I plan on finding  more time to read this book in the coming week. I am enjoying the characters, world, and the story so much, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. So far, my favorite character is Chatine/Theo, as she is inspired by my favorite character in Les Miserables.

The Princess and the Fangirl  by Ashley Poston is a retelling of The Prince and the Pauper. I am 22% done, and again, I plan on making more time for this Ebook this coming week. I love this cute book so much. My favorite character is Imogen because honestly I can relate to her.

Books Started

After the release on Tuesday, I started All For One (Alex&Eliza # 3) by Melissa de la Cruz. I have enjoyed this trilogy, and even though I am on page 46/366 I feel safe in saying that this is my favorite book in the series. Eliza is a gem and I love her so much.

Books Finished

I finished one book this week. Too Much Is Not Enough by Andrew Rannells was a lot of fun. I have not found a good way to write a review about a non-fiction book, but I rated this book 4.5 stars. If you're a fan of Andrew from his work on the stage or on TV, you will love this book.

Around the Internet

This is where I will feature posts I love that  I feel my readers will  enjoy as well.

Mari at posted a blog on Trigger Warnings last week. I am new follower of Mari, but I wanted to feature this post because I feel it is needed with how the world is today. I whole hardheartedly agree with what Mari says.

New Books

I got one new book this week. Today, I purchased A Very Large Expansive Sea by Tahereh Mafi. The book is on the Kindle deals and so it was the perfect opportunity to grab it. The book has been on my radar for a while.


Last week I had every intention of posting more content. This didn't work out as planned, but I am happy with the content I posted.

The Easter Booktag

Top Ten Tuesday- Characters I want as family

Can't Wait Wednesday - The Bookish Life of Nina Hill

My Blog Lovin Link! Also on the side bar

INFJ Literary Characters

The plan for this week is:

Monday- Musical Monday's- The Cher Show

Tuesday-Top Ten Tuesdays- Rainy Day Reads

Wednesday- Can't Wait Wednesday

Thursday or Friday-   Hotel Dare  Review


This week was not as crazy as some weeks. Last Sunday, I went to Baltimore for the day with my family, for my cousins last choir concert.  I had a work blog due, so I spent a chuck of time on that. I added maybe 500 words and change to my fan fiction I'm working on for Camp Nano, so I will work on that more this week for an update on Friday. On Friday night, my family and I went to the preview of Marvel: Universe of Superheroes.  The Exhibit is at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Here are some photos, but I would recommend this for anyone who loves Marvel.    

With the weather getting warmer, we have gardened in the back yard. I love it.

Music I listened to this week

I am a huge fan of music, so I want to highlight  the new music I listen to in this post.

As I write this post, I am listening to Ben Platt's album Sing To Me Instead. I reviewed this, and I love all the songs on the album. My favorite songs are Grow As We Go, Ease My Mind, Share Your Address, and Better. Ben Platt is  so talented and I am so happy that his album is finally here.

Amidst The Chaos, the new album from singer song writer Sara  Barelilles was released  the Friday before last, and I have been loving it. I saw Sara as Jenna in Waitress on Broadway last year. I would say this is the most personal album that Sara has put out. My favorite songs are Armor, Fire, and Saint Honesty. This is my favorite album Sara has put out.  I got tickets to the Philadelphia tour stop in November!

The latest cast recording to  release was The Cher Show with a digital release on Friday. I don't want to talk about this much, as I plan on making a blog on the topic tomorrow. I can tell you that this cast recording is delightful.


  1. The Marvel exhibit looks like a lot of fun! And I like how you're highlighting the music you listen to as well as the books you are reading. Also, The Princess and the Fangirl sounds great; I've put it on my to-read list.

    1. It was yes! So, The Princess and the Fangirl is a companion novel for Geekerlla. While it is not needed, their is crossover with characters in this novel.

  2. I often have multiple books on the go at once too.
    The marvel event looks awesome. 🙂

  3. I've heard good things about Melissa de la Cruz. I think I read a short story by her once in an anthology, a few years ago? Anyway hope all your books are good. And welcome to the SP!

    1. I have enjoyed this trilogy, it was the first books I've read by her.

  4. I always have multiple books going at a time, I can't read any other way!

  5. The exhibit looks fun.
    Have a great reading week:)

  6. The Marvel exhibit looks really cool! I hope you're enjoying all of your reads. I really enjoyed Sky Without Stars when I read it.

  7. oh I LOVE Sara Bareilles, have several of her albums and was wondering about this one.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   


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